PRO-Conference-Logo-for-WebBeliefs and Practices of Australian Catholics – what we know and why it matters.

The first Conference of the ACBC Pastoral Research Office was held on the 19-22 February 2014

The Conference and the Parish Workshop Day explored the issues that matter to all Australian Catholics. We looked at the research results and beyond the data to consider what it all meant and how we needed to respond.

Both events were strongly informed by research. All the talks and the workshops were based on research carried out in the last five years.

Click here to read more about the Conference.



Building Stronger Parishes: Some Practical Ideas
Ms Trudy Dantis
This conference workshop on findings from the Building Strong Parishes project focussed on spiritual nourishment, faith formation and community building in parishes. Click on the link below to download the workshop handout.

Spirituality and Community Workshop Handout.